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Profile: Kenny Miller, CFO at FPE Capital, shares his views with The Drawdown

FPE News

23rd February 2023

The Drawdown recently profiled Kenny Miller, CFO at FPE Capital.

In the article, Kenny discusses:

  • His role as CFO and how it has evolved over the years.
  • The long-term vision of what FPE should mean to its stakeholders.
  • The evolution of FPE and its positioning as a specialist investor focused on software and software services companies going through their second stage of growth.
  • The need to maintain human connection when communicating with stakeholders, one of the key differentiators for FPE as a business. He believes it's essential for portfolio company relationships and also with investors.
  • How he hopes that ESG metrics can be integrated further into the business to showcase how its software portfolio companies can have a social impact.

Read the full article here.