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Unlocking growth in the HCM technology sector: a round table breakfast hosted by FPE Capital


25th November 2019

Last week, FPE Capital hosted a Human Capital Management (HCM) technology focused breakfast, where a group of leading and disruptive businesses in the sector came together to discuss how they are unlocking growth in the SME customer segment.

The event was held at Home Grown Club, and we were privileged to be joined by Piers Lea (Chief Strategy Officer, Learning Technologies Group Plc), Adam Hale (former CEO, FairSail, now plural Chair/NED), and an engaging group of founders and CEOs representing the breadth of the HCM landscape.

Piers provided insight into six macro-trends impacting today’s workforce; speed, complexity, a shift from growth to productivity, generation Z, flexible working, and decarbonisation.

Adam then presented the case for “people science”; an approach that unlocks growth by treating employees as people, rather than just human resources. In Adam's words:

“Data science enables businesses to not have to guess with their customers anymore. So why are they guessing with their most important asset – their people?”

Guests shared their opinions on changing customer behaviour, as well as their experience of “what works” when marketing, selling and delivering HCM solutions to small and mid-sized customers.

At FPE, we believe growth opportunities across the HCM technology sector remain significant. We have backed this view through our investments in Questionmark and Kallidus.