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IWSR is the benchmark data source for the alcoholic beverage industry. It serves 90% of the world’s largest 50 wine and spirits brands and producers with subscription access to global consumption insights.



revenue growth for IWSR over the three year investment


expansion of the senior leadership, creating a experienced and gender diverse team


revenue growth for EBITDA over the three year investment

IWSR logo

During our three-year investment, IWSR’s revenue grew by 114% and EBITDA by over 300%. We exited to a financial sponsor in February 2021, delivering a premium exit price and outstanding returns, including for IWSR’s founding family.

Prior to our investment in April 2018, IWSR had been family owned for 25+ years. We were approached by the business to facilitate a management buyout led by CEO Mark Meek. IWSR’s founding family retained a minority shareholding and a board seat.

We supported IWSR over the course of our investment period by:

  • Expanding the core team from the founder and CEO to an experienced and gender diverse eight-person senior leadership team. FPE’s talent function assisted with the recruitment of a number of these roles.

  • Introducing a proposition and pricing review by an experienced FPE value creation expert. This led to a new bundled pricing approach and training for the sales teams to position the value of this new proposition with clients.

  • Undertaking a major software product investment to improve the front and back-office experience for IWSR’s customers and employees.

  • Leading the acquisition of Wine Intelligence, which added significant capabilities around consumer sentiment and insight analysis.

Mark Meek (CEO)

FPE enabled me to realise my ambition to acquire the IWSR and share the executive team’s vision for creating a market-leading business information company